Do you know the importance of maintaining great oral health because of how it affects your overall health? Many people are not aware of the correlation between the two unless poor dental health has already impacted bodily health or the reverse has occurred. So when your dentist stresses the importance of brushing twice a day and flossing every day, this is to help you keep your teeth healthy as well as promote good overall health.
How Dental Health Affects Your Total Well-Being
Research continues to discover how this correlation works, but one primary factor is inflammation. Inflamed gum tissue can indicate the onset of gum disease. While a diagnosis of gum disease does not necessarily mean the patient will be suffering from a serious medical condition, this could provide a clue indicating a developing problem.
Some of the medical maladies that often accommodate gum disease include heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and stroke. And the reverse can be true as well. Patients suffering from one or multiple medical conditions may be more likely to develop oral health problems.
The onset of gum disease often begins with one or more of these symptoms:
- bleeding gums
- bright red gum tissue
- swollen gums
- discomfort
- chronic bad breath
It is imperative that you visit your dentist for a diagnosis and treatment plan that will prevent escalation of your oral condition. Failure to act can lead to infection and even tooth loss.
Diet and Lifestyle
Gum disease is preventable. What you eat and drink are important for both oral and overall health. Your daily diet should be made up primarily of vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein, and healthy grains. Water is the ideal substitute for soda and sugary beverages.
Do not use tobacco products in any form. It has been over a half century since the surgeon general introduced evidence regarding your health and cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco. And now with the introduction of electronic cigarettes, there is more research ongoing with evidence beginning to show the dangers associated with this tobacco substitute.
Brush twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, floss every day to remove what your toothbrush can’t reach, and make sure you visit Westside Dental Group every six months for cleaning and dental exam.